Let's Remember Together
Click the link below to share your stories or memories of Mike. A story he told you, something he taught, a kindness he extended, something he said about his children or grandchildren. These are the memories that we are holding tightly too and would cherish your stories.

Mike passed away far too soon.
When boiled down, his life was cut short from having too big of a heart that worked too hard, and no one could argue that.
He left behind his wife Ann, his children Mark and Heather (Alex Gionet) and his precious grandchildren Addy and Finn, as well as his brothers John (Rhonda), Wayne (Rita), and Steven (Louise).
He was known as The Legend, Cros, Hon, Papa, occasionally Crusty when he was being out-fished or lost at crib (both rare) or sometimes even Michael when he was in trouble.
Mike lived his days larger than life and never wasted a minute. He filled his days with purpose and generosity. Feeding people “up and down the coast” with his world-class cooking, jams, pickles and pies.
He worked numerous businesses and accomplished many great things in his life; hooking 1000’s of salmon, cooking millions of meals, putting passion into salmon conservation and education; but the greatest legacy that he leaves behind is the people who knew and loved him, and who he loved so well.
Many would think him crazy for clam digging in the freezing cold, out in a lobster boat in late November, sleeping in duck blinds, making twenty dishes for any dinner, eating something out of a can or a jar found just about anywhere, or the sheer amount that he would put on his to-do list on any given day.
Mike had the enviable gifts of falling asleep anywhere at any time, finding fish, making friends, and mastering anything that he decided to take on.
During a speech to a group of businesspeople several years ago, he asked them to write down the number ‘960’. When asked why, he explained, “the average lifespan, and I am hoping for better than average, is about 80 years or 960 months. That’s it, the entire program, start to finish. With that in mind, I think it’s important that each of us ring out of every day whatever we can, play the game full out, and don’t leave anything on the table. Decide what you want from this month and go for it. This month is going by no matter what we decide to do, so take a few minutes and write down all the things you want to accomplish this month and attack the list.”
Mike did not make it to 960 months, though it could be argued that he lived more in his 800 months than most who make it to the 960 mark or beyond.
He lived large, played the game full out, and left absolutely nothing on the table.
The void he leaves is tangible and will be felt far and wide by the many, many who called him a friend.
It was Mike’s wish that there be no formal funeral or visitation. There will be a celebration of life at a later date.
How His Legacy will live on
Mike had many passions and pursuits, but we are going to start with just a few. (He may have been able to do it all – but we sure can’t) check back for more ways that we will celebrate and honour his life.

River Talk
A hard cover coffee table book written by Mike – Filled with stories, tips and flies from a lifetime on the river.
It took a beautiful life and much teamwork with his wife Ann to create River Talk.

Join the Nova Scotia Salmon Association
Mike was a passionate conservationist and advocate in the salmon community. Recently, as president of The NSSA he had the goal to increase membership so that people could be better informed of the projects NSSA would have going forward. Please take a moment to join the association for free today.

Finn + Addy Kindling Ko.
Papa and the kids had set out a pretty big goal that this would be the biggest year of sales yet. We’d like to continue teaching the kids about business and finance through the way Mike had started for them.
Please contact heatheracrosby@gmail.com to arrange delivery or pick up. $10 per bundle. As he would say (and most couldn’t get away with “And tips for the kids are always welcome. ha ha” 😉 )
Share Your Own Stories of Mike.
If you have a funny story, something kind he did, something he said about his grandchildren, we would love if you would submit them to this site for us to remember together.
Nova Scotia Images
Coming Soon.

Order Mike's Cookbook
One of the things Mike will be remembered most for his how he cooked. Always sharing, cooking, welcoming and feeding people wherever he went. The cookbook is a compilation of 160 favorite recipes with stories and notes written by Mike.